
Breaking: Huntsman Withdrawing from Presidential Race

William Lewis1/15/2012 9:58:43 pm PST

The more I think about Huntsman, the more clever I think he is. He’s accomplished everything he needed to in the past few years. He got name recognition. He got to pretend he believes in bipartisanism by having a vacation in Beijing. He’ll help Romney now try to over come the “Mormon=Satanism” thing with the evangelicals. All of which puts him in the drivers seat for the nomination in 2016 when Obama is done. He’ll still have to deal with Cristie (work the Koch connection like Newt & Bain) and Huckabee (that’s why breaking the Mormon spell is more important than doing well this time) but he obviously thinks he’s laid enough groundwork. He does, quite obviously, expect an Obama re-election (or he’d have sat out completely and gone for a cabinet job) and probably hopes for another 2-3 year vacation somewhere interesting pretending to be an ambassador.