
Onion: Fans Flock to Lollapalooza to See Their Favorite Brands

Blind Frog Belly White8/05/2013 4:47:01 pm PDT

re: #22 ProTARDISLiberal

What happened to tanning naturally?

Anyone I hear using one of those things gets put in the “Hopelessly Vain” category in my head. Why spend money on that rather than fun things?

How about not tanning AT ALL? I think if the teenage girls who go to these tanning salons could see what will become of their skin by the age of 50, they’d avoid them like the plague!

Or, more likely, being teenagers, they’d be certain it could never happen to them, like baldness, obesity, etc. As my younger son said, “I’m a teenager. I’m invincible and I know everything!”