
Jason Vieaux and Yolanda Kondonassis: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Rightwingconspirator5/26/2015 6:05:08 pm PDT

re: #14 freetoken

OK, here is a topic which divides:

White House hits pause on editing human germline cells

So, what is wrong with being a bit more conscious directive in the future of the human population? Does the blurb writer not understand that we’ve been directing our own evolution both consciously and not, through how we select mates, and how we organize our societies?

For the record - I have nothing against designer humans, as long as the techniques can be shown to cause not greater incidence of “birth defects” than currently.

Mega bio corp interests bring the what could/would go wrong elements to the table. That and unintended consequences. Can does not equal should. Not at such a primitive phase anyway. FTR I do not fear to eat GMO foods. Just hoping the gene pool stays wide and deep enough to resist critters and disease.