
Tommy Emmanuel & Richard Smith: "Twitchy"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/29/2021 6:03:13 pm PDT

re: #162 John Hughes

You’re taking about the past.

There is no future where computer driven cars are a useful part of the solution to our problems. Almost all futures where we don’t all just die involve massive increases in use of public transport to replace individual care use.

Oh, but that won’t work where I live you cry.

Here’s the trick: people won’t live where you live in the future.

Places like New York and Los Angeles and Phoenix will be self-sustaining, growing their own food on the vast land they have that requires.

No wait, they require the vast lands where few people live to do that.

And those few people still need other people in their areas to provide goods and services themselves.

So yeah, people will still live in areas like mine, and we will still need things like transportation.

I can see a future where things like agricultural equipment are largely automated, but that represents few vehicles.

Perhaps better electric vehicles combined with more renewable energy sources to charge them would work, but that would take much stronger government, and the rich and powerful won’t allow that to cut into their profits.