
David Barton: Demonic Entities Control the Government

Scottish Dragon9/08/2011 1:15:31 pm PDT


This right out of some of those Christian books from the early 90’s like “Piercing The Darkness” and “This Present Darkness” by Frank Peretti where demons actually control schools and a possessed geology major (telling choice, no?) arranges for human sacrifice of the Christian students.

From Library Journal
This sequel to Peretti’s This Present Darkness is built upon fundamentalist Christian ideas. As it tells the story of Sally Roe, who goes from spiritualism to conversion, it also traces a battle to save a Christian school from demon-inspired litigation. The human activities are again overshadowed by the battle between angels and demons, whom the author takes quite literally, giving them names, personalities, and dialogue. They influence all human activities, just as human prayer helps angels and hampers demons. Some readers may find this treatment religiously offensive or react negatively to the book’s depiction of liberals. But this is a good story, and it offers insight into the kind of religion that sees demons behind every stump and angels in the hen house.

You get to have hero angels who stab demons with really big swords and the demons turn into puffs of red smoke. All of the liberals are demon worshippers or somehow controlled by demons.
