
The Fauxto That Wasn't

yochanan1/07/2009 6:11:03 pm PST

An Irishman, a Brit and a Scotsman enter a pub after an afternoon of revelry at the futbol games.

Each decides to have a drink of their homelands fame! The Englishman orders a pint of bitters, the Irishman orders an 18-year-old irish whiskey and the Scot orders a 12-year-old malt scotch.

As the bartender sets down their drinks, 3 flies land in them simultaneously!

The Brit sends back his bitters.

The Irshman, knowing the alcohol would kill germs, picks the fly out and downs his whiskey in one gulp.

The Scotsman picks up the fly and begins squeezing it while shouting, “Spit it back, ya wee bastid!”