
Avengers #24, January 1966

Cato the Elder8/09/2010 9:21:37 pm PDT

re: #205 cliffster

Good point. With bread-making, I’ve reached “methodology”. Having never made ice cream before, I’m just looking for a method. There, pretty please, will you give me grandma cato’s recipe?

Well then.

There are many.

But I believe peaches are in season all over the place right now, so how about this one? (Who doesn’t like peach ice cream?)

Take six fine free-range eggs and beat them till they scream for ice cream. Add 3 or 3-1/2 cups of sugar. Take the ten fresh peaches you’ve wisely diced in advance, or pureed, if you like your ice cream smooth, add four (!) cups of heavy cream (what Grandma Cato would have just called “cream”), two cups of half-and-half (what Grandma Cato would have called “skimmed milk”), two or three teaspoons of vanilla extract (drink the remainder), and 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoons salt.

That’s the recipe. I don’t know about these fancy ‘lectronic ice-cream makers; Grandma Cato taught me to do it with an old crank-handled device. Read your manufacturer’s instructions for further enlightenment.

Sit back. Relax. Eat. Enjoy. Get fat. Be happy.