
Stunning One-Take Projection Effects: Emmy Curl, "Come Closer"

De Kolta Chair12/06/2014 8:11:17 pm PST

On a personal note, I’m on my fourth week working part-time holiday shifts at Macy’s Herald Square in NYC. The pay ain’t the greatest, but so far the people I work with couldn’t be nicer or more helpful, and that includes the floor managers. I guess we’re all happy to have a gig where the checks don’t bounce. Today I met two co-workers who live in homeless shelters. And I gotta say the Santa’s elves on the 8th floor are high-larious. Not in a stoned way, but in a silly fun way.

On second thought, they have to be stoned to put up with all that insanity. They have to put up with a million people every day and Xmas is weeks away.