
The Republican Road to Recovery

idioma3/26/2009 7:57:04 pm PDT

re: #126 jdog29

If Republicans are Socially Conservative, and Fiscally Liberal; and the Democrats are Socially Liberal, and Fiscally Liberal, how do you expect our nation to get the budget under control? Poverty threatens freedom more than you think sir.

The government of this country has no constitutional obligation to support a religious perspective in setting social policies. You don’t like abortion? Fine, don’t get one, but let the non-believers decide. You don’t like gay marriage? Fine, don’t marry someone of the same sex. You would like to make this economic crisis a matter of enforcing your socially conservative agenda. Would a person truly be in contradiction with themselves in adopting a Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative position?

I believe that free people are happy.
I believe that happy people are productive.
I believe that productive people generate more wealth.
I believe that a nation of productive and wealthy people are better equipped to help those less fortunate.

What do you believe?