
Thursday Afternoon Open

dhg41/08/2009 3:02:51 pm PST

In a post, Bloggers vs. hacks, Yaacov Lozowich wrote:

While prominent journalists flown in to Israel to report on the war continue to kvetch about not being able to do their job properly because the IDF isn’t allowing them into Gaza, Meryl Yourish sat at her desk in Richmond VA and used the internet. I don’t know how much Meryl’s time is worth, but she’ll forgive me if I assume the time she spent on her bit of investigative journalism cost less than, say, putting up Jeremy Bowen for one night at the American Colony hotel in Jerusalem. Which is kind of sad, if you’re a tax paying British person paying the upkeep of the BBC, since Meryl manages to do a far better job than Jeremy.

This is what Meryl blogged, Hamas targets schools, world is blind, deaf, and dumb on topic:

First, I researched the grad rocket. It is accurate. It can be targeted.

Then, I checked on Google maps to see how easy it is to map out a school in Israel. Satellite view. No problem.

Then I checked reports of how many kindergartens and schools have been hit by grad rockets.

Go there and read the whole thing. Meryl systematically shows an aspect of the Hamas terror that the MSM fails to consider.