
Overnight Open Thread

ryannon6/16/2010 6:17:31 am PDT

re: #190

As am I.

BP will drill elsewhere in the world, then raise prices and sell the oil to …us.

BP and its executives will survive just fine and dandy, job and high salaries intact.

While the folks on the Gulf Coast, most of whom never worked for BP, are out of work or lose their businesses.
Way. To. Go.

I’m really thinking of those people, Reine, as well as you and yours. And wishing you all the best outcome and the minimum of pain under these dire circumstances. We can put a man on the moon (or used to be able to) but the country couldn’t get it together to offer a more incisive response to this disaster other than to watch it happen like a train wreck in slow motion.

(shakes head in wonderment and regret…)