
Bobby Jindal Signs Mandatory Ultrasound Law with No Rape Exemption

lostlakehiker7/08/2010 7:32:09 pm PDT

re: #49 Crimsonfisted

If you have been raped, and have gone to the police to report the crime, and then you see a doctor and are vaginally examined again anyway.

At least, that was my experience (not me a friend). I admit it was years ago.

If a rape has been committed, then the State has the duty to investigate the crime. This investigation necessarily includes getting samples of DNA so that if a suspect is named, he can be freed promptly if the accusation is false, and convicted unless his defense team can convince the jury that there’s a reasonable chance it was consensual.

Rape is an extremely serious crime. Most rape accusations are true, but in something like 20% of cases, there is a mistake or a spite accusation. If this cloud of uncertainty is allowed to hang over the whole body of cases, far too many guilty men will go free, and a few innocent men will be convicted. With rape kits, the wholly innocent cannot very well be convicted, and if a suspect can ever be identified, even if it takes years and comes from out of the blue when the offender gets caught in a net of suspicion in some other case, the guilty can mostly be convicted.