
Update: At Least 80 GOP Candidates Would Force Women to Bear Rapists' Babies

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce10/02/2010 4:00:54 pm PDT

re: #200 darthstar

Oh, and I picked up a big jug of Nature’s Miracle, which I used to wash the dog’s seat cover…(yes, he was leashed to the back seat so he couldn’t roll around on the leather).

I’m not the type to go around recommending products to people as though I’m auditioning for a commercial, but Nature’s Miracle really is some of the best stuff on earth. At one time I lived in a house with -> 5 <- dogs and a frequently-visiting two year-old human. Every disgusting biological thing that can happen under such circumstances happened, along with all the various stenches attendant thereto. In all cases, Nature’s Miracle reliably eliminated said stench. I don’t mean covered it up, I mean neutralized it. Hooray for Nature’s Miracle.