
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Birth Control Works10/26/2012 9:30:14 am PDT

re: #241 erik_t

Yeah, I completely forgot about the generational thing here. I was post Vatican II as well.

I think a lot of what the “older” generation learned sifted down to their children and so on. We have a whole mess of dogma. Other RC’s I talk with seem to have no idea what is and isn’t. Yet, trusting one’s heart (which I was told where G-d lives) seems to be heresy.

Given the vast numbers of Catholics around the world this isn’t that suprising. What surprises me is that people are SHOCKED when I tell them I looked something-up on the Vatican Website.

Like, their Parish priest might be clueless and you can actually go to the SOURCE? It’s 2012, WHO KNEW?