
Another Native American Casino Cancels Ted Nugent After Community Complaints

lawhawk7/25/2014 8:11:51 am PDT

CNN: Majority of Americans don’t think President should be impeached, but majority of GOPers do.

[A]ccording to the poll, only 35% want Obama impeached, with nearly two-thirds saying the President should not be removed from office.

There’s an obvious partisan divide, with 57% of Republicans but only 35% of independents and 13% of Democrats backing a move to impeach Obama.

“Anti-impeachment sentiment is roughly where it was for past presidents - 67% opposed Bill Clinton’s impeachment in September 1998, and 69% opposed impeaching George W. Bush when a few Democrats began talking about it in 2006,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

“One reason may be that Americans take impeachment very seriously. Only about one in five say that impeachment is a valid response if Congress is dissatisfied with a president’s policies or the way he is handling his job. Nearly eight in 10 say impeachment should be reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors,” Holland adds.

What do you expect when you’ve got an echo chamber on the RW pushing nonsense day in-day out that demands impeachment for every slight or issue that doesn’t favor the GOP.

Executive order? Impeach.
Reasonable regulations? Impeach.
Not bending the laws of time and space (f/k/a Benghazi)? Impeach.
Not controlling world events, even when no one actually has a way to control them? Impeach.
Propose reasonable gun control regulations? Impeach.

That’s the GOP platform. Impeach. And what they can’t impeach, they’ll move to repeal in a vain attempt to keep the rank and file happy (and their campaign coffers full).