
WaPo: How a Detainee Became an Asset

Wendya8/30/2009 10:39:58 am PDT

re: #178 SixDegrees

Not particularly compelling. The details, such as they are, aren’t particularly…detailed. And there doesn’t seem to be anything in the way of corroboration. At best, the claims made here seem to be egregiously incestuous, with nothing in the way of independent confirmation.

That’s why I asked for details documenting what was actually prevented. Simply stating that someone made a claim of an impending attack while being tortured isn’t, itself, particularly compelling.

There is a reason why detailed intelligence and corroborating evidence generally isn’t released to the general public. If the government receives corroboration from agents either working for the USA or other intelligence agencies world wide, what happens when the release the source of that intelligence to the media? Intelligence networks are fragile and aren’t built in a day. You don’t tear them down to provide proof to the curious.