
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Viscous Obama1/28/2013 7:37:12 pm PST

re: #237 stabby

I think I remember (before the recession but after he retired) Alan Greenspan being interviewed.

When asked about the gold standard, he opinioned that it would have little effect one way or the other. I wonder if he still believes that. QE wouldn’t be possible on a gold standard would it?

The history of gold as currency is full of nasty, exploitative episodes, I don’t think I could really begin to explain it right here. Suffice to say, I don’t think the worth of a nation, in any sense, should be based more on the arbitrary value of a pretty rock than the value of its goods and services.

No, quantitive easing would not be possible, at least not in the way it is being done now. There’s 1) not enough of it for a country of 300 million people 2) The only people who would be able to own high purity gold would be the very, very rich.