
Feel Good Video of the Day: Cambridge Resident Unloads on Alex Jones Clown

klys (maker of Silmarils)4/29/2013 1:48:33 pm PDT

re: #238 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Not sure if it signals a trend. For all intents and purposes I think PC’s will be around for some time to come given that gaming is huge and really does require a KB/Mouse. The only place I have seen tablets be really useful is in retail.

For example the vape shop I go to for e-cig juices and such use iPads with an app and card reader to process sales. It makes it more convenient so you don’t necessarily have to wait in line for one of their 2 actual registers.

Tablets definitely have a use - I have an iPad for reading scientific papers, for example. Hell of a lot easier than killing thousands of trees so I can print them out and lose the copy. Being able to watch movies with my husband when flying is an added bonus. I may also be minorly addicted to some of the cell-phone games.

I would never try to do actual work on the iPad, of the paper-writing variety. It really only works for short e-mail replies, unless I pair it with a external keyboard - which sort of defeats the point. I have an easier time replying to stuff on my smartphone/Android tablet because the text prediction is much better.

I have a minor love of tech toys. But I don’t spend money on clothing or makeup to make up for it.