
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Decatur Deb10/26/2012 9:31:07 am PDT

Catholics Anonymous meets here.

I’m DD, and I was very close to as Catholic as you can get. I had nuns 24/7/350 for the five gradeschool years I didn’t have them 6/5. Then I had priest instructors 24/7/305 for 5 years in a Franciscan seminary. Left there on sort of friendly terms and didn’t drop the church until years later, after marrying a highly fertile convert Catholic. The Anthropology degree finished off the remaining Catholic cosmology. Our children are 2 atheists, a Baptist, and one who goes to a doctrine-free megachurch.

My experiences left me with a fondness for the religious who raised me, and the Anthro left me with a rational respect for the cultural power of religion. (No matter how rough it might be for the human sacrifices, it’s pretty hard to run a culture without a religion.)

The art an music can be pretty cool, too.