
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

GunstarGreen2/19/2014 6:52:26 am PST

Every morning, WSB here in Georgiastan puts Neil Boortz back on the radio for approximately 2 minutes — presumably because he’s such an entrenched part of the radio-listening culture here that people wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t hear his voice at least once every weekday.

Ever since Royal Marshal died, Boortz has been unhinged; Royal was the only real check on his libertardian insanity. His morning bytes have been pretty preposterous from the start, but this morning’s was just bizarre. He derides the 25% of Americans that still think the sun revolves around the earth, and YECs that still assert that the earth is 6000 years old… and in the same segment goes into detail about how global warming is just a big giant lib’rul conspiracy to destroy the free market.

But I guess it wasn’t so bad. Could have been like yesterday, when he used polling from some demented millionare dating site to try to assert ye olde “conservative men are more manly than effeminate lib’rul men” meme, even slipping in a bit of HOT HUNKY PUTIN on the side.