
Kansas Community Center Killer Frazier Glenn Miller Is a Longtime Neo-Nazi

CuriousLurker4/14/2014 9:26:34 am PDT

LaManno doesn’t sound like a Jewish surname, so I guess that POS Miller didn’t accomplish what he set out to do:

CCVI released the following statement:

“The Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired and the Kansas City community has experienced a great loss. Terri LaManno, occupational therapist at CCVI for eight years, was a victim of the senseless shooting yesterday at Village Shalom. Our deepest sympathies go out to Terri’s husband, Jim, and their two children, Alissa and Gian. Terri was a gracious, generous, skilled, and deeply caring individual who made a great difference in the lives of so many children and their families with whom she worked at CCVI. She will forever be missed by all of us in the CCVI family.”

I was just looking at photos of the kid & his grandad who were killed yesterday, now this. WTF did this guy think he was to take other people’s lives, decent people who were living good lives and making positive contributions to society?

One woman lost both her son & father on the same day. Can you imagine? And the other lady—her two kids will grow up without a mother and her husband is now a widower who will have to…

Gah—why do there have to be people like this??