
The Latest Episode of the Tallest Man on Earth's Amazing Video Series: "Fly in Numbers" | Ep. 8 of the Light in Demos

lawhawk11/10/2017 10:58:54 am PST

re: #240 Charles Johnson

Trump is purposefully destroying the judiciary, and the GOP is rubber stamping his choices because they have the ideological bent they seek (gut functioning government, sabotage the system, restrict civil and voting rights, and overturn Roe).

These unqualified judges will find that their decisions are overturned at a tremendous pace, ruining the jurisprudence for their respective districts.

It would require impeachment of these individuals to remove them from the federal bench - or they’d have to die or resign first.

So, once again, elections have consequences, and the GOP is piling as many extremists into the bench as possible after obstructing as many Obama picks as they could.

Did I say I was pissy before?

GOP delenda est.