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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/02/2021 3:28:12 pm PDT

re: #244 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

I did not intend to “talk down” to you.

What I have seen, all across the internet, creep into the discussion over this Amazon project is a lot of defensiveness by some of the Tolkien fandom.

My fundamental point is this: a TV series is a different type of art than literature. A cinema feature is also different than either of those two.

Tolkien did not publish a novel on the Second Age. There was an appendix in the LoTR published.

Then posthumously the estate, under his son, published a whole lot of material, most of which really were unfinished.

Amazon is thus crafting a series based on the ideas of Tolkien, but are not adapting a novel.

Tolkien’s own work was continually evolving. The important point here is that Amazon is free to introduce characters as they see fit. From what has been allowed to be made public, Amazon is not allowed to substantially change the characters that exist in the published works (thus Galadriel has to be Galadriel), but everything else is open to the Amazon writers.