
Bill Gates on Edward Snowden: "You Won't Find Much Admiration From Me"

Bubblehead II3/13/2014 5:11:07 pm PDT

re: #208 CuriousLurker

I loathe flying—white knuckles all the way, thanks to my frickin’ overactive imagination. Haven’t been on a plane since the spring of ‘97.

Try spending time on board a ship that is designed to sink, for 70 days (or longer) and doing drills to recover from incidents that will keep you there. Flying, you at least have some chance of surviving.

Thresher, Scorpion, Kursk*.

* They could have rescued some of those crewmen. But nooooooo, National pride refused the offer for help from the U.S.

We have DSRV ** capabilities for a reason.

And it’s dinner time

** Deep submergence rescue vehicles