
Colbert: Terrified Trump Throws His Riot Mob Under a Bus to Save His Neck (And Get Back on Twitter)

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization1/08/2021 12:37:00 pm PST

DOJ Backs Away From Targeting Trump And Others For Remarks Inciting Capitol Riot

The worst mistake Obama made was letting Bush, Cheney, and the bankster go.

That and allowing Shirley Sherrod’s boss to fire her because he was afraid of what Glenn Beck would say about what she said.

I pray that Merrick Garland does not make the same mistake with Trump, and his cronies. That practically guarantees that the GOP will remain a Trump party, and the next GOP POTUS will establish an effective dictatorship, a la Brazil, Hungary, or Turkey.

These people must be stopped NOW!

Merrick Garland’s DOJ must prosecute Trump for incitement, and all other acts of corrupt totally and completely.

Throw the motherfucking God Damn book at that fat fucking orange pile of blubber!!!