
A Great "Some More News" Feature: What Does the United States Want to Do About Venezuela? [VIDEO]

Hecuba's daughter3/13/2019 4:53:04 pm PDT

re: #220 ObserverArt

Yet, he wants/wanted Hillary investigated and she was already cleared.

He keeps displaying how much a dummy he really is.

No matter what happens, Donald Trump has ruined the very little credibility he ever had as some kind of “really smart guy with a good brain with the best words ever.”

None of it was true. The real fake in all of this is Trump.

Sure there will be people that will never admit they bought the con. I think that happens in a lot of cons…too embarrassed to ever admit they were fools.

He’s not dumb. Autocrats imprison their opponents all the time; he is trying to construct a justice system where conviction requires merely that you are a minority or someone who opposes the regime. The true crime is not worshiping the treasonous orange man.

He knows that if he continually repeats the mantra “NO COLLUSION”, his base will believe it and the feckless GOP will go along.
Manafort’s lying lawyers are targeting not just Trump but the average citizen who pays little attention to most politics and will not understand or hear the judge’s actual statements.