
The White House is Not 'Cutting Off Criticism'

Bloodnok5/30/2009 8:38:35 pm PDT

re: #245 Phil.

*rolls eyes*

The federal government, as of Monday, will be in charge of not one, but two auto manufacturers. It eviscerated contract law and threw Chrysler bondholders under the bus in order to reward its union campaign contributors. It passed a 787 billion dollar spending bill without having read it first. It passed a budget that will put us 2 trillion dollars in debt…this year alone. It foresees deficits of at least a trillion dollars each and every year for the foreseeable future but proceeds to tell the public that the public needs to live within its mean. It sends its Treasury Secretary to beg China to continue subsidizing our debt.

But don’t you dare start a group opposing this administration or referring to the Boston tea party, because that MAKES YOU A CRAZY PERSON! AND THANOS MIGHT MAKE FUN OF YOU ON THE INTERNETS!

Bold + Caps = Win

/first rule of the blogosphere