
Video: The Onion's Year in Review

Justanotherhuman12/15/2013 12:56:10 pm PST

re: #23 A Mom Anon

Also, why the hell is it that nearly every Christmas “musical” celebration on TV now is “country” themed? There are other kinds of music(and dear god NO not a Justin Bieber Christmas, just kill me) that would be perfectly fine. But nooo, it’s always the same stupid people singing the same crappy songs with a fake ass twang added.

And, if I see one more Duck Dynasty themed thing in the store, I am going to go postal. I watched that show, and actually almost liked that family until they faked two of the kids getting dental work done for some scripted show premise. I got sucked into the having family dinners and working their way up from extreme poverty (at least the elders of the family anyway), but OMG I am so OVER them. One of my best friends thinks this is the best show EVER to be on TV. Ack. Overexposure much? Also too, getting their picture taken with The Palin didn’t endear me to them much either. eesh.

My granddaughter is caught up in that bullshit.

I’m trying to rescue her, but she’s gone “country” and may never come back to her senses.