
Ted Nugent Posts Edited Video Showing Bernie Sanders Murdering Hillary Clinton

KGxvi5/11/2016 12:29:33 pm PDT

re: #23 Ace-o-aces

We all know the NRA is really a gun industry lobby. It would seem they are doing a very bad job for their clients by tolerating ol’ Ted’s crazy-ass antics. As an industry, they would want to expand their customer base. But having a raving racist, misogynist, ant-Semite as a spokesman is going to scare off anyone other than disaffected, older, white gun-hoarders. Those guys are going to start dying off soon due to natural causes/hunting accidents and the gun industry will loose a big chunk of their market.

Well, until he actually follows through on one of his crazy rants… Then the type of people who would be targets might decide to stand their ground, as it were. Makes you wonder if Ted and his ilk would be more polite if the people they considered threats were armed, you know the whole “an armed society is a polite society” bullshit.