
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric

zombie4/07/2009 4:51:58 pm PDT
finally, that the country is on the path to socialism or possibly fascism but definitely some “-ism” that should be avoided.

What’s so controversial about the statement that Obama has set the country on the path to Socialism? Isn’t that a universally known fact?

Nationalizing the banks? Socialism.
Starting to nationalize the auto industry? Socialism.
Socialized medicine/nationalized health care? Socialism.
Leftist philosophical opinions? Socialism.
Increasing government spending to massive proportions? Socialism.
Increasing the number of departments and employees in the federal government? Socialism.
Raising taxes at a precitpitous rate? Socialism.
Apologetic backpedaling international diplomacy?

In fact, can anyone tell some indicator of Socialism that Obama is not making progress on?