
Roger Ailes to Sarah Palin after the Gabby Giffords shootings, 'lie low.' Did he think she'd listen?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/14/2011 11:37:56 am PDT

re: #22 Buck

OK, let me repeat, in my opinion, using “like a dog” analogy about a woman, and suggesting that “the simplest thing to do is kick ‘em”, is problematic for me.

Again: you’re lying when you claim that anyone suggested kicking Palin. Just as you’d be lying if you said someone literally thought she was knocking things over while chasing her tail.

Now, where is the lie? Where did I actually say someone said “Palin was a dumb dog”?

You lie in saying that people want Palin to actually get kicked.