
Tripoli Falls to Rebel Forces

lostlakehiker8/21/2011 2:42:23 pm PDT

re: #1 laZardo

Getting rid of the dictator, in case NATO and the US haven’t learned it by now, is always the easy part. This is gonna backfire for sure.

No silver lining without a cloud. Something, surely, will go wrong. Revolutions are never pretty. But that is to miss the point. Good ***ing riddance! This is the man responsible for the Lockerbie outrage. For other such terrorist attacks. He is our enemy, and not content with killing us, when he found that to be inadvisable, he turned to killing his own. That’s over now.

The future will branch out and more things will go wrong. They always do. But some things will go right, which they never do with a nutcase dictator in charge.