
Ryan Budget Would Drastically Reduce Medicaid Coverage for Millions of Low-Income Citizens

Kragar8/14/2012 10:51:43 am PDT

Reason #7 Why Obama is not a Christian

Late last year, Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission announced that his organization would be releasing a series of monthly videos leading up to the election detailing “ten new irrefutable proofs that Barack Obama is not a Christian.”

Today, Cass released part seven of the series which lays out that Obama has been friendly to Islam while being hostile to Christianity, even though the Bible says that “Islam is the doctrine of demons and originates in Hell.” And the reason Obama doesn’t believe that America is a Christian nation, the CADC explains, is because he had a “Moo-slum father and step-father”:

First thought:

the Bible says that “Islam is the doctrine of demons and originates in Hell.”

The Koran was written several centuries after the new testament, so where exactly is the whole section in the Bible about the Koran and how did it get there?