
CNN's Staged Video Updates

Sunlight1/10/2009 10:31:25 am PST

re: #187 LGoPs

And worse, the same bastards who f**ked all this up are still in charge and will ‘fix’ this……….
No where else but in liberalism can you screw things up so badly and not be held accountable.

They don’t think there is anything to be held accountable for. They figure that even if it can’t be fixed, it was the right thing to do to spread the wealth around. And as people start starving in the world economy reduced by their actions, they will make no connection to their choices and advocacy. Just like they still feel a golden glow about their riotous protests forcing the U.S. armed forces out of southeast asia. The idea that 2.5 million people were left to be slaughtered in Cambodia (our presence delayed this rottenness for a decade) has no connection in their minds to their advocacy and choices.