
Friday Night Snarky Puppy: "Xavi" (Behind the Scenes) [VIDEO]

Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿3/16/2019 1:59:50 pm PDT

re: #233 ThomasLite

NZ uses a Mixed Member Proprtional system, very similar to Germany’s I believe. Is that what you’re describing? Voters have two choices: a local candidate for the electorate they reside in, and a vote for a party. Between them, they ensure the makeup of the House reflects the makeup of the popular vote. Like your local representative but don’t like her party? Vote for her, but for the other party of your choice (or don’t cast a party vote at all.)

Australia uses a couple of variants of the Single Transferable Vote system. STV makes my brain bleed, but basically requires you to rank your choices of candidates. That part I understand; the voodoo is in determining the winner. Someone below (fern01 I think) said the Reprehensible Senator was only the first choice of 19 voters.

I always stand to be corrected, however.