
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

Heywood Jabloeme7/25/2013 10:52:01 pm PDT

re: #239 Targetpractice

So your argument is that, one way or another, the majority of those Democrats who voted for it did so out of political expediency? Either flipping Obama the bird to look good in red states or to look good under the assumption that the law will one day be struck down anyway?

Doesn’t that sort of take the sting out of their flipping the bird, not that they did so out of conviction, but because they figure it’ll keep them in office longer?

So your point that if you are a Dem and voted for the 2nd worthless amendment you are somehow not voting your principles but purely cyncially is totally correct.

But what is just a correct is the converse - all the Dems that voted for the AMASH-CONYERS Amendment that would actually shut the program down must have done so for some other reason. They litterally gave Obama the Finger, BTW - that was a MAJORITY of the Dems in Congresss.