
A Prophet for the Trump Era: GOP Jesus [VIDEO]

ObserverArt11/11/2018 10:51:04 am PST

re: #220 KGxvi

I keep saying this… in the modern era, no sitting president has been defeated via primary (the closest we came was Johnson in 1968, and that was still an older nominating process). However, no sitting president who has been challenged in the primary for his renomination has won the general election.

If he runs, Trump will be the nominee in 2020. And he will run, because he’s too vain to think he couldn’t win again (and he will think he has the traditional advantages of incumbency [narrator: he won’t]).

Their only hope to be rid of Trump is the same hope the rest of us have: Mueller (or now the House) comes back with real evidence of criminal malfeasance [narrator: there is so much], and they sign off on impeachment. This won’t be play out like Nixon, Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the office, the constitution, or the country, he will fight to the bitter end, it will have to be impeachment, conviction, removal from office, and barring from future office.

I still expect Kasich to run. He’s already making it onto the TV networks and yakking about how it isn’t about Republican or Democrat it is about doing the right thing for your constituents.

When he starts talking sense look the hell out, he’s ready to mix it up. And of course it is just talk. That is Kasich…look and sound a bit normal, get the job, ignore everyone and do what you want.

Just like when he was elected Governor his first term. Once elected it became “get on the bus or get run over.”