
More Scenes From a Tea Party

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks9/13/2009 6:59:52 pm PDT

re: #152 Cato the Elder

If Obama represents socialism, then I’m a socialist.

There, I said it.

The Maine lobstermen currently get $3.05 per pound at the dock.

Thirty paces away, at the restaurant that overlooks the picturesque dock that the lobstermen dock at, a two-pound ($6.10) lobster, steamed, with some crappy “cole slaw” and clarified butter, goes for $39.99.

Explain that markup to me, and I’ll stop being a socialist.

It works like this.

Some kind of evil genius marketing type tricked the rest of the world into believing that a fucking water dwelling, bottom feeding cockroach was actually some kind of delicacy.

Most people, being gullible as they are, bought this marketing bullshit hook, line, and sinker, and now a freaking bug that shouldn’t be worth more than .05/lb sells for outrageous prices.

That’s the freemarket, baby, where gullible fools waste good money to eat bottom feeding cockroaches, and are grateful for it.

I’ll have the steak, thanks.