
Mitt Romney Joins the Race-Baiters

jaunte1/22/2012 9:23:25 pm PST

Limbaugh, appealing to the GOP base, while trying to help Romney:

“Let me tell you what Romney doesn’t do. Romney has not played over 90 rounds of golf in three years while everybody is suffering. Romney has not flown all over the world on the federal government’s dime. Romney has not had lavish parties and concerts on the public’s dime. Romney has not lived like a king on other people’s money. He has sent his wife on government jets four hours ahead of him to the same destination. Romney is not responsible, nor is any other Republican, for the 16% unemployment, real unemployment in this country. Romney is not responsible for increased fuel and food costs. He’s not responsible for any of this. That would be Obama, who pretends to care about the middle class but lives like a king at the public trough.

… Every one of [the GOP candidates] is a decent person. Every one of them is an average American in their own ways. Obama is not, his wife is not.”

Dog whistle explanation:

The counterpart to the slave was the dandy, a common character in the afterpiece. He was a northern urban black man trying to live above his station by mimicking white, upper-class speech and dress—usually to no good effect.