
National Review's John Derbyshire Publishes Stunningly Racist Article at White Nationalist Site

Nyet4/06/2012 6:28:56 pm PDT

re: #246 Talking Point Detective

Sorry, not getting your logic. The IQ tests test for an ostensible measure of intelligence. It can be debated if they do it well or if it makes sense to talk about a single measure of intelligence, etc., etc. - these are separate topics. But all they do is determine this measure, “IQ”.

This testing is independent from whether or not intelligence is wholly inherited (and I don’t know any prominent “determinist” who would take such an extreme position), or if the genetic factor dominates (this is the mainstream position of the likes of Derbyshire) or if the environmental factor dominates, or whether there is no genetic factor at all.

I.e. your argument that these results cast doubt on IQ testing as such is invalid.