
Video: Donald Trump Says He Could Murder Somebody and Not Lose Voters, and the Crowd Laughs

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/24/2016 7:34:52 am PST

Meet the militants:

Ammon Bundy

Bundy lost a home in a short sale in 2012 and is behind in his property taxes. Idaho public records show that he purchased a home in Emmet, ID in June 2015. Bundy owns Valet Fleet Service, a truck repair company that applied for a $530,000 loan from the federal Small Business Administration in 2010, and he is listed as a member of several other Arizona companies.

Ryan Bundy

Ryan Bundy, 43, is another of Cliven Bundy’s 14 children. He has a long paper trail of legal troubles in Utah dating back 10 years, including an alleged clash with courthouse bailiffs last year in which he was arrested.

Ryan Payne

Payne is an Iraq War veteran who served in an Army long-range surveillance unit.

Jon Ritzheimer

He sells anti-Islam T-shirts through his apparel company…

Military records show Ritzheimer was in the Marine Corps Reserves from 2002 through 2014, serving two tours in Iraq and a motor transport driver.

Blaine Cooper

Cooper was convicted of aggravated assault, a felony, in 2009. He faced other charges in Arizona courts, but they were dismissed.

Robert “LaVoy” Finicum

He filed for bankruptcy in Arizona in 2002

Wes Kjar

“I’m not saying I want to die,” he said. “I want to surrender. But I want to surrender on the right terms.” Reuters also showed a photograph of Kjar from inside the compound, holding an assault weapon and wearing what appears to be an armored vest.

Brian Cavalier

He was convicted in Arizona of misdemeanor theft in 2014, and extreme DUI, also a misdemeanor, in 2005. The U.S. Marine Corps said it has no record of Cavalier, though he has claimed service, according to news reports.

Neil Wampler

According to court records and authorities, Wampler is a convicted killer. He was convicted of second-degree murder in California in 1977 in the death of his father, records and authorities say.

Kenneth Medenbach

Officers took him into custody Friday, Jan. 15, 2016, and accused him of stealing a pickup from the refuge.

Court records show Medenbach has faced federal charges in connection with occupying public land three times before. The judge in one earlier case denied Medenbach’s release while charges were pending because he had threatened armed resistance.

Medenbach has been repeatedly charged with driving without a valid license, giving false information to law enforcement officers and failing to appear at court hearings, and he refused to pay fines associated with zoning violations at a Klamath County property adjacent to his first occupation, in 1995, where he dug out an underground bunker. Medenbach’s convictions include felony driving with a suspended license.

Brandon Curtis

Curtiss previously worked as an officer for the Nez Perce tribal police force and Orofino police. He has filed for bankruptcy twice, most recently in 2009.

My take?

A collection of wackos who are completely irresponsible; the total number of bankruptcies surpassed only by the total number of criminal convictions, which, in total, are more than the collective brain cells they possess.

They can’t manage their cattle with heavily subsidized grazing fees form the government, but want the land to be private, where grazing costs 10x as much.

They suck government resources (e.g., wasn’t blue tarp guy, Finicum’s, sole income the $131k he got for foster kids - which he probably used as slave labor, poor kids) while complaining about government. Spare me.

And they’ll all wind up costing everyone more money when they spend year after year in prison.

Losers every one.

With military/police experience. And guns. Lots of guns.