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The Ghost of a Flea8/15/2012 9:20:15 am PDT

Romney Sharpens Old Message: Obama Runs On ‘Hatred’

From that line through the out-of-context “you didn’t build that” attack that fueled Romney’s campaign for much of the last month, Romney has run on the idea that Obama does not respect success and wants to punish those who have done well by redistributing their wealth to people who have less.

The presumptive GOP nominee has run TV spots rejected by fact-checkers that recast the president’s position of welfare reform to suggest Obama’s desired outcome is a system in which “you wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.”

Now, using the miniature explosion over Vice President Joe Biden’s “chains” remark Tuesday, Romney is tossing a racial component into the have vs. have-not fight as well. Romney is also using deep Republican resentment and media attacks on an ad from an Obama-supporting super PAC that indirectly suggests decisions by Bain Capital led to a woman’s death from cancer to push forward his idea that Obama’s allies will stop at nothing.

Obama is running “just to hang on to power,” Romney told CBS.