
Monday Afternoon Music: Don Ross

Walter L. Newton2/22/2010 3:31:08 pm PST

re: #245 LudwigVanQuixote

Umm Spare… Did you read at all why I said that?

You did notice that here is someone who comes out against “alarmism” of the science world and continuously tries to slander the scientists as sloppy or mismanaged and questionable professionally? YOu noticed that right?

You also noticed that the very article he brings to continue this slander is actually a case of the science showing that things are much worse than IPCC says?

You notice who that is the real point of the science? That the article he brought, backs up the fact that IPCC is lowball?

You notice how he failed to mention that, yet claims there are questions with how the science is done?

Spare, I would like to be able to like you. I do not think you are as thick headed or stupid as the deniers who still lurk at this site. Please, if you are honest, look at the facts.

And did you notice that over the past 7 days, I linked a number of times to the article about the Royal Society investigation by Sir Muir, and I specifically posted the information that they were NOT questioning the science, only the data handling methods.

One example…

Read one of my many post on the subject…
