
Iraqi Defector Admits Fabricating Bioweapons Program

researchok2/15/2011 1:09:49 pm PST

re: #246 Coracle

researchok, Im really not sure what case you’re trying to make.

I understand and agree with “You break it, you bought it.”

But really, do you honestly believe that whatever truths were buried under the lies sold to the US people and congress were sufficient justification for the war in Iraq? Without the lies, we have the similar if not stronger justification to go into Syria, and Lebanon, and Saudi, for that matter. Why aren’t you advocating that?

All I am saying is that I do not believe the Bush administration willingly deceived anyone.

If they had we would never hear the end of it from the Dems in Congress, the Senate, or Bill Clinton.

Very few if any in positions of power or influence are pushing that meme.

If the evidence is so incontrovertible, ask yourself why that is.