
The Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

scarshapedstar1/12/2009 11:33:05 pm PST

re: #125 stretch

And an organism can survive in the vacuum of space for 12 days? WOW. That means 25,000 years of travel from another system (where life arose how?) almost seems plausible!

Life might have arisen there the same way it arose here. Have you been reading any of this?

Also, surely you realize we’re talking about an ANIMAL surviving in space, and that the experiment only RAN twelve days. They might have lasted longer. Many bacteria, unlike these animals, don’t need to breathe. But space has other hazards, like cold, heat, and radiation. Surely there’s no organism that can survive all of this…

oh wait.

Yes, the world’s toughest bacterium, able to survive a thousand times the human lethal dose of radiation while frozen in a vacuum. Right here on earth. I’m not saying its ancestors came from another planet, but if you want to know what a spacefaring organism would look like, this is it.

Any other questions?