
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

Wozza Matter?11/02/2009 3:07:21 pm PST

re: #255 Odahi

point by point or just a total blaze?

far-left redistribution

you mean allowing some tax cuts to lapse, right?. thats what you mean?

takeover of other industries

the decision Shrub welched in not allowing Michigan and other industrial areas be plunged into 30% unemployment?. Hundreds of thousands of jobs depending on federal loan guarantees and investment?

weak foreign policy

surely, you don’t mean CONTINUING the tri-partite talks involing Europe, Russia and China?

oh, and yeah, been over to one of the moonbat blogs recently. seen how highly they think of the Prez for not wanting single payer?, or immediate Iraq withdrawl, or immeditaely capping ALL bankers salaries?. yeah, guess you must not have seen that, hey.