
First Wingnut Blogger to Bash Obama for Earthquake: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

Atlas Fails8/23/2011 1:01:04 pm PDT

Part 2 of internet time at the [insert stereotypical white trash hangout here].

Carlos, Will, and Andreas displayed conservatives’ patented family values:

Carlos commented:

I note the conspicuous absence of the first sow in this touching family outing. Guess they might have trouble finding a bike seat that fits.

WillofLa commented:

Yeah, you’d know that the liberals would have run out of the Capital building like the rats jumping ship that they are. To bad that all, ALL the liberals weren’t in that tunnel going out into Virginia from the Capital and our representatives buildings, and it caved in taking them all out! Then that way the largest majority in Washington would be the conservative Republican’s. Then when Obama came back from Martha’s Vineyard he’d have no one to support his crazy ideas that are destroying this nation. You know that Obama is good friends with Maurice Strong who thinks he runs the world with all his bogus organizations and even more bogus NGO’s. Our conservative Republican’s could defund all the U.N. agreements where we don’t know where the money goes. America could begin returning back to where it ought to be. And if all the liberals were dead, Obama couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it. I would like to see him in a situation like that, and I would like to see America in a situation like that, where we would have a small conservative government that got the things done that it is supposed to do and that’s all.

Andreas K. commented:

BTW, my first thought was “Oh, quake in DC? Michelle O farted?”

I should apologize for that, but I don’t want to.

Proper spacing and capitalization:friend or foe?

Militant Conservative commented:

This just in. America’s soddam

And Gamorrah just hit with


And of course, criticizing Obama for something the commenter made up on the spot:

Missy8s commented:

Watch how quickly every mine in Virginia and every coal fired plant is taken offline, President Downgrade will definitely blame it all on mining…

Seriously guys, the epicenter was in “Mineral”, VA…

How convenient…