
Former Colin Powell Aide: Dick Cheney 'Fears Being Tried As a War Criminal'

Killgore Trout8/30/2011 5:44:34 pm PDT

re: #231 Obdicut

Why do you always get nasty when discussing this issue? It seems not possible to talk about it with you without you alleging some pretty dark shit about those who disagree with you.

I mean, can’t we have a nice, civilized discussion about torture anymore?

I just though of a nice example that I think sums up the differences between Bush and Obama’s War on Terror.
KSM vs Bin Laden
Bush: KSM was arrested. They even published photos of him handcuffed in bed. They tuned him up at a secret site in Poland for a while and then shipped him off to Gitmo. He has a lawyer, visits from the Red Cross and he’ll get some sort of trial eventually. Meanwhile he’s fed, clothed, given books, watches movies, etc. I bet the weather in Cuba is nice this time of year.
Obama: Bin Laden was shot while unarmed in the middle of the night and his body was dumped at sea. I think his wives and children are still in pakistani custody, haven’t heard anything from them in a while. One of his sons who lived at the compound has gone “missing”. There were initial reports that one male captive was taken from the raid but there have been no updates. We may never hear from him again.