
Quote of the Day: Millionaire GOP Politician Complains

Mark Winter9/19/2011 6:50:11 pm PDT

re: #254 Naso Tang

And therein lies the politics. What I heard of his accounting summary sounded ignorant, if nothing else (or simply stupid lack of self control).

I’ve heard people talk of their business accounting and done some of my own. He was a fail. Any such business would invest in “new locations” and the like well before taxes and well before he receives (skims) his hundreds of thousands off the top, which he has paid other people to not only earn, but manage and create for him.

Of course, investing in new locations would be a business expense. That really is Business 101.

Actually he’s paid a hefty salary by the American people. I’d think he should devote all of his time to those who pay him.