
The biggest Benghazi lie falls apart

ObserverArt9/20/2013 8:05:05 am PDT

re: #243 lawhawk

SS/DD. The stench of GOP hypocrisy on disaster aid is so bad that it exposes that the party is rotten to the core.

They want what they want for their districts, no strings attached, but make everyone else jump through hoops. The folks affected by the devastating and deadly flood need the aid, but they will make those affected by natural disasters elsewhere wait months for aid (the Sandy victims in particular) - including the nonsensical demands that any aid be offset by cuts elsewhere in the safety net that helps millions of other people.

Everyone remember when the term The Silent Majority was used politically by Dick Nixon?

I’m hoping there is a huge silent majority that is just lying in the bushes growing more and more tired of Republican wingnuts and tea partiers and their bad-for-this-country craziness and protection of the top 2%.

Maybe by 2014 they will be so pissed off they get out in record numbers for an off-presidential election like never seen before. I don’t know if that would necessarily result in the Democrats taking the house back as a majority. But, if the Republicans with brains understand trends they might realize that America is sending a message that is going to cost them even bigger in 2016 and might lead to the Dems controlling all three branches of Government. And that Democratic cycle could last a few elections.